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Upsert a Generic Object



Creates a new dynamic object or updates an existing one based on the provided data. Requires authorization and user authentication.


Path Parameters

    objectId stringrequired

    Object ID



Upsert request payload



    authors string[]

    Authors is a list of user ID and organization ID who created the object. If an organization ID is not provided, the currently active organization will be queried from the User Svc.




    property name* any
    deleters string[]

    Deleters is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can delete the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).

    id string
    readers string[]

    Readers is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can read the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).

    table stringrequired
    writers string[]

    Writers is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can write the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).


Successful creation or update of object




    authors string[]

    Authors is a list of user ID and organization ID who created the object. If an organization ID is not provided, the currently active organization will be queried from the User Svc.

    createdAt string




    property name* any
    deleters string[]

    Deleters is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can delete the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).

    id string
    readers string[]

    Readers is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can read the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).

    table stringrequired
    updatedAt string
    writers string[]

    Writers is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can write the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).
