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Query Objects



Retrieves objects from a specified table based on search criteria. Requires authorization and user authentication.

Use helper functions in your respective client library such as condition constructors (equal, contains, startsWith) and field selectors (field, fields, id) for easier access.



Query Request



    count boolean

    Count true means return the count of the dataset filtered by Filters without after or limit.



    Filters are filtering options of a query. It is advised to use It's advised to use helper functions in your respective client library such as filter constructors (all, equal, contains, startsWith) and field selectors (field, fields, id) for easier access.

  • Array [

  • fields string[]
    jsonValues string

    JSONValues is a JSON marshalled array of values. It's JSON marhalled due to the limitations of the Swaggo -> OpenAPI 2.0 -> OpenAPI Go generator toolchain.

    op string

    Possible values: [equals, containsSubstring, startsWith, intersects, isInList]

  • ]

  • jsonAfter string

    JSONAfter is used for cursor-based pagination, which is more effective in scalable and distributed environments compared to offset-based pagination.

    JSONAfter is a JSON encoded string due to limitations of Swaggo (ie. []interface{} generates []map[stirng]interface{}).

    limit integer

    Limit the number of records in the result set.



    OrderBys order the result set.

  • Array [

  • desc boolean

    Desc indicates whether the sorting should be in descending order.

    field string

    The field by which to order the results

    randomize boolean

    Randomize indicates that the results should be randomized instead of ordered by the field and desc criteria

  • ]

  • readers string[]
    table string


Successful retrieval of objects




  • Array [

  • authors string[]

    Authors is a list of user ID and organization ID who created the object. If an organization ID is not provided, the currently active organization will be queried from the User Svc.

    createdAt string




    property name* any
    deleters string[]

    Deleters is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can delete the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).

    id string
    readers string[]

    Readers is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can read the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).

    table stringrequired
    updatedAt string
    writers string[]

    Writers is a list of user IDs and role IDs that can write the object. _self can be used to refer to the caller user's userId and _org can be used to refer to the user's currently active organization (if exists).

  • ]
