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Policy Svc

The policy service provides features such as rate limiting of endpoint calls by user ip, user id, organization id and more.

This page is a high level overview of the Policy Svc. For more details, please see the Policy Svc API documentation.


  • Provide tools for service writers to prevent adversarial users from causing service degradation

How It Works

The Policy Svc requires you to explicitly call the /policy-svc/check endpoint in every service endpoint you are building. There is no magic or framework feature involved.


The policy service has two endpoint:

  • You can create policy instances with /policy-svc/upsert-instance - use this to define rate limits, block IPs etc.
  • A /policy-svc/check endpoint that you should call for every request in your endpoint you want to rate limit.

While the documentation should be thorough, it might be not be the easiest to understand at first glance due to the presence of *Parameters fields which are specific to Policy Templates.


Policy Templates

Policy Templates are hardcoded features of the Policy Svc:

Rate Limit

Rate Limit (templateId: rate-limit) provides rate limiting various entities and scopes, see the rateLimitParameters in the api doc).


Blocklist provides blocking of access by ip addresses, see the blocklistParameters in the api doc).

Policy Instance

A policy instance is a specific application of a policy template to certain data like endpoints, user ids, ip addresses etc.


Rate Limit

The following /policy-svc/upsert-instance payload rate limits calls to the register endpoint by caller IP: maximum 5 calls are permitted per IP per day:

"instance": {
"endpoint": "/user-svc/register",
"id": "insta_dBZRCej3fo",
"rateLimitParameters": {
"entity": "ip",
"maxRequests": 5,
"scope": "endpoint",
"timeWindow": "1d"
"templateId": "rate-limit"

Block by IP

The following /policy-svc/upsert-instance payload blocks access to the register endpoint by ip address.

"instance": {
"endpoint": "/user-svc/register",
"id": "insta_dBZRCej3fo",
"blocklistParameters": {
"blockedIPs": [""]
"templateId": "rate-limit"