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Welcome to Singulatron

What is it?

Singulatron is a rapid prototyping environment for the AI age.

It allows you to self-host and work with LLMs and other AI technologies, offering a comprehensive framework and ecosystem for rapidly building AI-driven applications.

It lets you:

Run AI Models [x]

Run open-source AI models privately on your own infrastructure, ensuring that your data and operations remain fully under your control.

Quickly Build Backendless AI Apps [x]

Build backendless application by using Singulatron as a database and AI prompting API.

Develop Microservices-Based AI Applications [ ]

Singulatron itself is built on a microservices architecture. The platform's built-in services communicate with each other through the same APIs that you'll use to build apps on top of Singulatron.

Deploy Third-Party AI Apps Easily [ ]

Singulatron is designed to make deploying third-party AI applications straightforward. With its focus on virtualization and containers (primarily Docker) and a microservices, API-first approach (using OpenAPI), Singulatron seamlessly integrates other applications into its ecosystem.


To run Singulatron on your servers, or even to lauch on your own laptop, see Start.

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