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Backend Environment Variables


This envar is used to enabel GPU acceleration. Supported platforms:

  • cuda

Do not set this if your card doesn't support the given architecture or things will break.


This flag is typically unnecessary since Superplatform automatically detects the volume that is bound to /root/.singulatron. Use it only as a corrective action.

This envar is needed when Superplatform runs as a container next to containers it starts:

|-> Superplatform Container
|-> Container Launched By Superplatform

For the containers like llama-cpp to be able to read the models downloaded by Superplatform we they must both mount the same docker volume.

An example of this can be seen in the root docker-compose.yaml file: SINGULATRON_VOLUME_NAME=singulatron-data.

So cycle goes like this:

  • Superplatform container writes to /root/.singulatron, which is mounted to the volume singulatron-data
  • Assets (which are basically downloaded files) will be passed to containers created by Superplatform by mounting files in singulatron-data.


This flag is typically unnecessary since Superplatform retrieves the IP of the Docker bridge. Use it only as a corrective action.

When Superplatform is running in a container, it needs to know how to address its siblings (other containers it started):

|-> Superplatform Container
|-> Container Launched By Superplatform

The Superplatform Container uses the envar SINGULATRON_LLM_HOST to address Container Launched By Superplatform.

Typically this value should be if you are using the default docker network.

If you are using an other network than default, use docker network inspect to find out the IP of your docker bridge for that network. Usually it's going to be

This envar is not needed if Superplatform runs directly on the host:

Host With Superplatform
|-> Container Launched By Superplatform


This envar is used in by the Registry Svc to register the node. It should be an at least internally resolving address so the nodes can talk to each other.


You can use this envar to make Superplatform actually use a database instead of local file storage to store data.



Naturally, you should change the details of the connection string to reflect your environment.


By default the local file storage will place files into ~/.singulatron/data, but this flag (and other config options) can override that.